A New Start for Your Pet

Hey Everyone!  I'm going to throw in a shameless plug for the company here...

If you have a pet, and you want to have a healthier happier pet, now is the time to check out our products (I highly recommend the Casey Pets Essential Supplement).

From now until Tues the 20th, when you order online at www.caseypets.com and use the code SURV1010 you will recieve 25% off your order!

PLUS (yes, there is more!) if you refer someone to our site, they fill out the survey and place your name in it, they will recieve a discount too and you'll start racking up referral points!  Please check it out and take advantage today!

A Healthy Lifestyle for Pets?

I subscribe to a few magazines just like everyone else, but I do tend to go towards the healthy, all-natural, self-sufficient magazines like Natural Home, Grit, Herb Companion and my all time favorite, Mother Earth.  Why? Because I dream of living a full self sufficient life, living off the land and grid, eating as healthy as we were intended to do and to live a more simple life.  What do I really do?  I use everything I learn in there and apply it to my pets.  So while I sit here eating my burger and fries, my dog eats meat from a free ranged, hormone free cow, vegetables grown right here in the area without pesticides, and the highest quality supplement on the market (shameless plug for Casey Pets Essential Supplement).

We hear day after day how a healthy lifestyle is not only recommended for people, it is now essential.  How many of us want to do just that and just can't seem to follow through?  Guilty here that is for sure.  There is hope for us that want this though.

Try starting with your pet.  I know it sounds a little crazy to think of designing a lifestyle for your dog or cat...or even your goldfish for that matter!  If you start with them, you may just see your life changing as well.  And it is always easier to do this with someone at your side.

With the help of my colleagues, we are going to begin to bring some wonderful ideas to you on how to improve your life through improving your pet's life.  Please feel free to add your ideas to the mix as well! ~ Tara

Therapy and Service Dogs

Nancy mentioned a story that she saw on CNN today.  I found the article and it is a wonderful article on using dogs to help children read.  Besides a great read, it got me thinking about service and working dogs.  These dogs are amazing!  Smart, versatile, and oh so expensive! 

For those of you that do not know, these dogs just don't become service dogs on their own.  The amount of time and energy put into these dogs equals thousands of dollars.  Though it is essential to have these dogs, what can we do to help?  Besides offering to foster these dogs, donating to their funds, and raising awareness, Casey Petraceuticals can do one thing that most can't....we can help extend these dogs' working career lives. 

By keeping these pets healthy, pain free and mentally sharp for a longer time, the money put into the training and care seems more reasonable.  If Casey Pets can do this for these incredible creatures that so many rely on every day, imagine what it can do for you special pet at home!

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Keep up to date on Nancy with her TWITTER!

The Secret Inside Your Dog's Mind

I just recently read an article that explained a few things about my dog!  I knew my dog was smart (my cat would argue this point) but to see just how smart she COULD be was amazing!  It makes interacting with your pets seem a bit more important! Check it out!

"The Secret Inside Your Dog's Mind"

What type of food do you feed your pet?

My personal preference of food is the grain free type. I have found that not only does this type of food seem to keep my dogs teeth cleaner but I need to feed smaller amounts! I also add raw or cooked vegetables and plain pumpkin to add fiber to their diet.

When I look at labels for my dog’s pet food I make sure that the following apply:

Natural Ingredients – with commercial foods, they usually have some type of preservative but I try to be sure that these types of substances are at a minimum.
Protein (or meat) sources are listed first on the label – this means that these are the main ingredients in the formula.
No corn, no wheat, and no gluten – this ensures that inflammation will be decreased.
The type of “fat” in the product is labeled as the specific animal type – i.e. “beef” or “chicken” instead of “animal fat”.
No BHT or BHA – this is a cheap and potentially dangerous preservative.
No Menadione

I also add Casey Pets Essential Supplement to be sure my dogs have all they need to combat the toxins that are in our environment and their immune system is in top form.
 ~ Nancy

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**Fan us on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Casey-Petraceuticals-LLC/92820534284