Don't Let Just Anyone Groom Your Pet!!

We owe it our pets to be sure that they are always in a safe and loving environement.  This means whether we are with them or not.  Veterinary offices, day cares, boarding facilities and grooming places can be terrifying for your pet if they are not used to being away from you.  Want to make these excursions as pain free as possible?  Here are a few tips on choosing the right groomer for your pet:

The first step in choosing the right groomer for you is to talk to people.  Find people that have pets they get groomed.  Find out where they go, if they like a particular groomer, does their pet seem happy to go or do they need to drag them in, are prices reasonable, are they happy with the cut and any negative feedback as well.

Be sure to ask people that have the same type of pet too.  No use asking a dog person where the best cat groomer is! If you can find someone that has the same make and model as your pet too (coat, breed, etc) then all the better!

Next step is to actually visit the groomer.  Be sure to visit without your pet first.  This way you have no distractions and can ask all the questions you need to.  Here is a list of things that you should find out:

  1. Hours - it is best to find a groomer that is open early so you can drop your pet off before work
  2. Prices - although it is hard to put a price on a good groomer, if the price is too high, you won't be getting your pet in to be groomed as often as they need to be
  3. What does the groom consist of - this may vary and you may want to find a groomer that can mix up the packages a little.  Most grooms include a trim, bath, drying, brush out, nail trim, ear cleaning and some will even express anal glands.  Your pet may not need all of that everytime so why pay for it!
  4. How is the pet dried - this may not seem to be a major concern but it can be a deadly one.  Cage driers, if not monitored properly can over heat dogs and cats in a very short amount of time.  If they over heat too much, death can occur.  On the other hand, hand driers can be just as problematic.  Misuse of these can cause localized burns.  Be sure to view the drying areas and ASK!
  5. What type of shampoos do they use - if your pet has sensitive skin, allergies or any other conditions, will they have a shampoo that will be best for your pet's skin?  Good groomers know how to choose an appropriate shampoo for your pet, if they stumble around this question, this isn't the groomer for you.
  6. What type of ear cleaner do they use - ask if you can bring your own if you've never heard of what they use.
  7. Do they do ear plucking - for those of you that have cats or non- poodle, maltese, shih tzu, etc type dogs, you need not worry about this.  Those that do, ask how they do the pluck.  If your pet is sensitive to powders, do they have another option?
  8. What do they use to clean the area - you don't have to know what the solution is but they should be cleaning with something! 
  9. What veterinarian do they use - odd thing to ask, right?  Not so.  No matter how good the groomer is, accidents happen - a little nick of the skin, a toe nail that's been kwiked that won't stop bleeding - it happens.  Be sure that the groomers know what to do in these situations.
  10. Are they familiar with your breed - this is a big one. If you have a golden retriever and the groomer has done nothing but poodles...your retriever may come home looking like a poodle. Same goes with cats. Many groomers do not do cats - ASK!

Next step is to actually bring in your pet.  See if they can just "hang out" for the day to get them used to the sounds and smells.  If not, allow your pet to meet the person they will be dealing with.  They'll let you know if something is wrong and they are uncomfortable with the groomer.

When you finally decide on the right groomer, be sure to be very specific in what you want for your pet when grooming day arrives.  If you want a short cut or long, do you want bows or bandanas or not, perfumy shampoo or not, etc.  ITS YOUR PET - YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK!

Be sure to observe your pet when they come home.  You don't get to see all that happens to them during a groom.  Is your pet limping at all, do their feet seem tender, are they shaking their head alot or scooting their rear.  All of these things can be a sign that something wasn't right at the groomer.  Struggling with a pet, too short nail trims, razor burn, etc - it can happen.  Listen to your pet.

It all seems like so much but trust me, every extra minute you put into choosing the best for your pet, will be a benefit in the end.  They are your baby, treat them as such!

 (thanks to Nancy for all the great info!)


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